Publication | Language: EN | Total Time: 15m

Tolerance development in cow's milk-allergic infants receiving amino acid-based formula

This publication describes the outcomes of the PRESTO study on tolerance development in cow's milk allergic infants receiving amino-acid-based formula with synbiotics (AAF-S).

The PRESTO study results show that AAF-S is safe and suitable for dietary management of infants with IgE-mediated CMA. Whilst there were no statistically significant differences in CM tolerance development observed between the groups, 49% of all infants became tolerant to CM at 12 months and an additional 13% developed tolerance at 24 months. The outgrowth is in line with clinical expectations for the outgrowth trajectory of CMA. This is of particular interest as infants with more severe CMA, including a history of anaphylaxis and often with multiple food sensitizations, were included, who typically show later outgrowth.
Another important finding was that during the 12-months intervention fewer infants receiving AAF-S were hospitalized due to serious adverse events categorized as infections.

This article is reused from: Chatchatee, P., Nowak-Wegrzyn, A., Lange, L., Benjaponpitak, .S, Chong, K.W., Sangsupawanich, P., van Ampting, M.T.J., Oude Nijhuis, M.M., Harthoorn, L.F., Langford, J.E., Knol, J., Knipping, K., Garssen, J., Trendelenburg, V., Pesek, R., Davis, C.M., Muraro, A., Erlewyn-Lajeunesse, M., Fox, A.T., Michaelis, L.J., Beyer, K., PRESTO study team. Tolerance development in cow's milk-allergic infants receiving amino acid-based formula: A randomized controlled trial, J Allergy Clin Immunol, 2021. No changes were made to this article.

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