What does the IDDSI classification mean for individuals with dysphagia?
Consumption of food or drinks with an incorrect consistency increases the risk of choking and aspiration in a person with dysphagia. Using the same terminology to describe food texture and drink thickness across dysphagia-related products can better support individuals with dysphagia to consume the correctly prescribed consistency of food and drinks. As a result, reducing the risk for confusion with the use of inconsistent terminology, and thereby improving the person’s safety.
What does the IDDSI classification mean for Nutricia?
Nutricia has a standard product range and a tailored range designed for people with dysphagia, including those with or at risk of malnutrition. This tailored product range consists of thickening powders, pre-thickened water, and pre-thickened oral nutritional supplements. In countries where the IDDSI classification is implemented, Nutricia supports health care professionals, dysphagia sufferers and their carers by labelling this specific range according to the IDDSI classification.