Join Nutricia at this year’s ISICEM Congress

Last year, Nutricia celebrated its 125th birthday. Nutricia’s quest is to support the drive for life saving, life sustaining and life changing nutritional solutions to fulfil dietary needs of our patients. 

Our legacy of proven partnership with healthcare professionals and our continued commitment to scientific advancement continues. This year we would like to extend an invite to the Nutricia Satellite Symposium hosted at this year’s ISICEM Congress (International Society Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine) 22 - 25 March.

The aim of ISICEM has always been and remains to improve the care of the critically ill patient through better clinical management, by facilitating ongoing education and training of all healthcare staff involved in patient care and supporting and encouraging constructive research in the field.


Join Nutricia's Satellite Symposium

On Friday 25th March 2022, join us over lunch in the 400 Hall to discuss the latest clinical research addressing the protein requirements of ICU patients, linked to clinical and functional outcomes.

Why do we believe that the nutrition support practices are so important to not only ICU patients, but ALL patients?

To optimize the nutrition support provided to critically ill and recovering patients, we need to better understand the role of protein and whether the trends seen in observational studies can be replicated in clinical trials.

Join us to discover and debate this topic in Brussels.

Program Nutricia's Satellite Symposium

Protein requirements in ICU patients

Join Nutricia’s Satellite Symposium: Protein requirements in ICU patients : new clinical trials addressing some unknowns. Renowned speakers are happy to present program below. You’re invited 25 March, 400 Hall, 12:30-13:30pm.

Experts insights on optimal nutritional care

Highlights from Covid-19 webinars

Hear key ICU specialists highlight the relevance of nutrition in ICU, but also into recovery. Watch the video ‘Highlights from our Covid-19 webinar series’ and learn more on the clinical practice experience of the nutritional management of Covid-19 patients in ICU and post ICU discharge.

Nutritional challenges of ICU patients

Prof van Zanten gives insights into the challenges of meeting patients’ nutritional requirements with available products. He discusses the different options of meeting high protein targets without overfeeding energy. The audience asks key clinical questions on the preferred type of protein, protein targets and other best practices. Watch the video here.

Nutritional needs from ICU to recovery

Nutritional needs from ICU to recovery, what does evidence and practice tell us now? Prof Wischmeyer highlights how patients in the ICU are more difficult to feed than ever, with increasing complications.  It is therefore imperative that a personalized approach is taken and that nutrition is adjusted accordingly by right dose, for the right patient at the right time.  There is no one size fits all approach. He outlines that this needs to be extended beyond the ICU stay and that based on LEEP COVID data, showing increased metabolic needs, that patients will require ongoing nutrition support even beyond hospital discharge. Watch the video here.

Publication ICU Management & Practice

What can we learn from the nutritional management of the Covid 19 pandemic? 

Covid-19 caught the world unaware, and critical care was particularly hard hit, but were we prepared for the long recovery time of our patients? Inadequate nutrition support practices that already existed, were made more pronounced in the wake of the pandemic. Let us learn how we can better manage our patients and their longer term nutritional needs.

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