Global Metabolics Expert Day 2024

Unable to attend our Global Nutricia Expert Day on March 20th, 2024? No need to miss out as all recordings are here if you are watching for the first time, or rewatching.

Update on the latest human milk research

Dr Bernd Stahl
Science Director Human Milk Research & Analytical Science, Danone Nutricia Research, Utrecht, The Netherlands

The relationship of dysbiosis and inborn errors of metabolism in infants and young children

Prof. Julio César Rocha
Professor of Nutrition and Metabolism, NOVA Medical School, Lisbon, Portugal

New guidance on PKU, nutrition and sport - a Spanish experience

Dr Domingo Gonzalez Lamuño
Paediatrician, University Hospital Marqués de Valdecilla, Santander, Spain

Relaxed PKU diet in practice

Dr. Carmen Rohde RD
Metabolic dietician, University of Leipzig, Germany

Update on research into neuro cognitive outcomes in PKU

Dr Cristina Romani
Reader of Psychology, Aston University, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Optimising dietary management in inborn errors of metabolism: implications for brain development

Dr. Kevin Strauss
Paediatrician, Clinic for Special Children, Strasburg, Pennsylvania, USA

Emergency diagnosis of MSUD and other inborn errors of metabolism and how to optimise their management

Dr Hernan Eiroa
Paediatric Consultant, J.P. Garrahan Paediatric Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Management of MSUD/GA1 pregnancy, from pre-conception to birth itself

Dr. Aline Cano
Paediatrician, University Hospital La Timone Enfant, Marseille, France

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