Discover Nutricia Oncology Expert Day 2024 in Utrecht, the Netherlands

The Oncology Expert Day is a Think Tank for improving care, generating insights and bringing home new ideas that aim to change our practice.

- Dr. Andreia Capela

Nutricia Oncology Expert Day is a yearly event is aiming to create a platform for healthcare professionals to share expertise and hands-on experience in implementing early nutritional intervention as integral part of cancer care and straightening the knowledge on the role of nutrition support during oncological treatment. In 2024 the event took place on Nov 25th in Danone Nutricia R&I Center in Utrecht, the Netherlands. The program included presentations by leading experts, a live Q&A session and interactive country workshops aimed to share local experience on opportunities and barriers for optimizing nutritional care in cancer.
We’re excited to share with you the insights of the second edition of Nutricia Oncology Expert Day:
"From Guidelines to Nutritional pathways in Oncology: Taking Action to Improve Patient Care”.

Interesting to know...

The loss of muscle mass in cancer can be 24 times greater than the loss observed with aging. 100 days of treatment = 20 years of aging.

- Prof Carla Prado

How to make a difference? Let's hear from our speakers

Role of early nutritional intervention in support of treatment:
The latest scientific insights

Prof Maurizio Muscaritoli (Chair)

Director of Internal Medicine and Clinical Nutrition Unit, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

Based on nutritional status, presence of cachexia and sarcopenia we can prioritise nutritional intervention.

Prof Carla Prado (Chair)

Director of the Human Nutrition Research unit, University of Alberta, Canada

Muscle loss in oncology patient is like a wildfire. Putting the muscle back takes much longer time, so it is better to prevent this. This is why early and continuous nutritional intervention matters.

What do patients have to say?

Jan Hobbelen

Director of the Dutch Ostomy Association and the Dutch Colon Cancer Foundation Randstad, The Netherlands

In the moment of uncertainty, like in the process of oncology disease, patients would like to have something that they have control over, like nutrition.

How to implement nutritional support in cancer care:
Sharing and inspiring

Dr Andreia Capela

Medical Oncologist, Department Oncology, Hospital de Vila Nova de Gaia/Espinho, Portugal

All cancer types vary, and depending on the stage and type of cancer, the disease's behavior and patients' needs differ accordingly.

Dr Pierre Senesse

Head of Clinical Nutrition and Gastroenterology, Cancer Institute of Montpellier, France

1. Knowing your environment;
2. Building confidence amongst
3. Medico-economic program and audits

These are key elements to initiate the change.


We held 9 country-led workshops aimed to exchange on barriers and opportunities to join forces in optimizing nutritional care in cancer.  

All the key members of multidisciplinary team that are taking care of patient with cancer, oncologists, surgeons, radiotherapy specialists, dietitians & nutrition specialists, nurses and many others discussed together the future of local initiatives, aligning on the final goal & timelines and defining concrete next steps. 

Meet our expert panel


  1. Hebuterne et al. JPEN. 2014;38(2):196-204
  2. Ipsos European Oncology Patient Survey, 2023. Data on file
  3. Ryan et al. Proc Nutr Soc. 2016;75(2):199-211.
  4. Spotten LE, Corish CA, Lorton CM, et al. Subjective and objective taste and smell changes in cancer. Ann Oncol. 2017;28:969-84.
  5. Brisbois TD, de Kock IH, Watanabe SM, et al. Characterization of chemosensory alterations in advanced cancer reveals specific chemosensory phenotypes impacting dietary intake and quality of life. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2011;41:673-83.
  6. Ruo Redda MG, Allis S. Radiotherapy-induced taste impairment. Cancer Treat Rev. 2006;32:541-7.
  7. Ryan AM, Prado CM, Sullivan ES, et al: Effects of weight loss and sarcopenia on response to chemotherapy, quality of life, and survival. Nutr. 2019; 67-68: 110539.

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